Nau Mai Haere Mai
Thank you for your interest in having your child or children join us at Macandrew Bay School. We are proud to be able to provide high quality learning programmes for the students in our school community.
We really enjoy meeting prospective parents and showing them through the school, either with or without their children. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about school life and tell you more about Macandrew Bay School. We currently have places across all of our Year groups.
Enrolment Scheme
There is an automatic right of entry for children living within our enrolment zone and you will be welcome to enrol your child at any time. It is important that we have good information about children who will be starting in the next few years so we can accurately predict how many new entrants to expect each year. Get in touch with the school office at any stage if you anticipate that your child will be attending Macandrew Bay School in the future.
It is best to ring the school office to find out more about available places if you live out of zone and have a talk to the Principal or Office Manager. We currently have places across all of our Year groups.
The number of available places for children living outside our zone will be advertised and children living outside the zone will be admitted in priority order, as space allows, based on clear criteria. If there is more interest than we have available spaces then there might need to be a ballot. You can read about these criteria on our website in the information specifically about our Enrolment Scheme.

Pre-School Visits
We invite you to make contact with the deputy principal of the junior school to arrange your child's first school visit. Email

Starting School
Starting school is an incredibly exciting milestone in a child’s life, and choosing the right school for your child is an important decision as a parent. At Macandrew Bay we value and create a sense of community, belonging and friendship for our students and teachers. Many of our students started their schooling with us, but a number also transferred here and chose our school when their families moved to Dunedin.
He waka eke noa
We are all in this together

International Students
Macandrew Bay School has a limited number of spaces for International (Fee Paying) Students each year. International families are invited to contact the school if they wish their children to attend Macandrew Bay School. When children are enrolled, all family members are offered a guided tour of the school by the Principal to see the facilities offered and to ask any questions. Children will also be introduced to their classroom teacher and support staff they will be working with. New children will be looked after by a classmate to help and support with orientation.
We want to make sure that International Students at our school have a wonderful learning experience, make friends and enjoy New Zealand’s culture and educational opportunities.
Macandrew Bay School has agreed to observe and be bound by The Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
Enrolling As An International Student
- All New Zealand children enrolled at a State School are entitled to a free education. State Schools are funded by the Government and teachers are paid by a Central Government pay service.
- International students do not qualify for a free education and are required to pay a fee.
- Information of the fees we charge for International Students are included in our prospectus.
Enrolment Information
- Macandrew Bay School is a State School and our first priority is to cater for New Zealand resident students between the ages of five and eleven.
- A request for enrolment can be made by phoning the School Office or by emailing the school.
- If a place is available at your child’s age and class level you may be offered a place.
- New Zealand Immigration requires the Offer of a Place form to be complete for the issuing of a Student Visa or Permit. Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service, and can be viewed on their website at: International Students can become foreign fee paying students on a Visitors Visa if they are staying less than 3 months.
- The school requires you to complete an International Student Enrolment Form which provides information about your child and your family. A photocopy of the International Student’s passport title page and permit details will be taken.
- To enrol at Macandrew Bay School International Students must live with at least one parent or legal guardian for the time they are enrolled at Macandrew Bay.
- Further details the school will ask for at the time of enrolment are particulars about your child’s health and information about about any special needs that may have to be addressed, including background for ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language).
- All information will remain confidential.
- If any of the details you provide at the time of enrolment change, it is your responsibility to notify the school of the change.
- A copy of the school’s procedure on Complaints against Employees is also included to outline procedures for dealing with grievances should they arise.
Please complete the online enrolment form.
We will need to see a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunisation records at the time of enrolling. If you come from overseas we need to sight your passports so we can photocopy evidence of your visas.
We really enjoy meeting prospective parents and showing them through the school, either with or without their children. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about school life and tell you more about Macandrew Bay School.