Dates for the Diary

School begins Monday 3rd February
Term 1: Monday 3rd February - Friday 11th April
Public holidays: Waitangi – Thursday 6th February and Otago Anniversary Day - Monday 24th March
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 27th June
Public holidays: King’s Birthday – Monday 2nd June and Matariki - Friday 20th June
Term 3: Monday 14th July to Friday 19th September
Term 4: Monday 6th October - Wednesday 17th December
Public holiday: Labour Day – Monday 27th October
Staff Only days: Friday May 30th (Peninsula Cluster Teacher Only Day), other days - to be confirmed
Swimming Lessons with JC Swim School: 7th-14th February
Class Information Evenings - Year 3-6: Wednesday 12th February
Tūī and Kererū, Year 3 and 4 - 6:30pm
Kārearea and Toroa, Year 5 and 6 - 7:15pm
Class Information Evenings - Year 1-2: Thursday 13th February Kōwhai / Rātā - 7pm
Mihi Whakatau to welcome our new tamariki and whānau: Friday 14th February, 1:45pm
Otago Peninsula Sustainable Project Community Meeting: Tuesday 18th February in our school library, 7:30-9pm
Whānau and School meeting: Thursday 20th February, 7pm.
Welcome Back to School Picnic: Thursday 27th February, 5:30pm onwards
Working Bee: Date to be confirmed
Board Meeting: Monday 3rd March, 6pm
Move it March: 3rd - 28 March 2025
Whānau Assembly dates: Friday 7th March and Friday 11th April
Bike Skills: 6th March - Year 6 only
Year 6 Camp to Camp Columba: 19th-21st March
Board Meeting- Monday 7th April, 6pm
EPro8: Some Year 5/6 children, Wednesday 9th April
Nau mai, haere mai
We are welcoming new enrolments
Come and find out what makes our school so special.
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