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Our School

We believe that our children deserve an excellent, well rounded education. We aim to be the best we can be and we have high expectations that students attending our school will be successful, happy, confident learners who will be able to make a great contribution to the world and the community they live in.

Strong parental involvement and community support are an important feature of our school culture. We have a strong Whānau and School Fundraising Committee, a great Board of Trustees, parents and whānau that willingly share their expertise and a large group of parents who help with pool testing, school trips, sports teams, school camp and many of the other activities that take place as part of our school’s rich and broad curriculum. The school is a friendly and welcoming place where people meet, chat and catch up with each other. It is one of the central hubs for the Macandrew Bay community.

Ākonga love the numerous opportunities they receive, including running bake sales to raise money for charities of their choice, being student librarians, Kapa Haka, helping with the school garden, caring for the school’s pet axolotl, creating art which is displayed at local art exhibitions, raising frogs to release into the school stream, amongst many, many more activities. 

Nau mai, haere mai

We are welcoming new enrolments

Come and find out what makes our school so special.